Monday, August 27, 2018

Welcome to UAI's Parent Blog. The purpose of this blog is to keep families up-to-date and connected with the school community. UAI values your input and believes that our school is only as good as the strong family ties we build with you.

While returning to school after the summer can be an exciting time, it can also be  stressful for students and their families. Bedtime routines, homework and busy schedules can sometimes take the fun and enjoyment out of starting school. Here are a few easy ways to help ease you and your family back into the swing of things:

  • Limit screen time and ensure that you daughter is going to bed at a reasonable hour. Study after study points to the fact that kids need more sleep then adults to be socially and academically successful.
  • Talk to your child about her day and help her to problem solve if she is experiencing any issues or concerns. Confident children with a strong support system and the ability to confront their worries are more likely to come to school everyday and work to their capacity.
  • Stay connected with the school! We encourage you to make sure all cell phone numbers, emergency contact numbers and email addresses are up-to-date with our main office. In addition, through our Advisory System and our on-line student and parent portal,PupilPathyou can get real time updates on your child's progress throughout the day.

Please familiarize yourself with the school's schedule.   School opens everyday at 8:00 AM for breakfast.  STUDENTS must be in their first period class at 8:30 sharp to be marked present and on-time. Punctuality and excellent daily attendance is the foundation for academic and social success. Ensure your daughter is coming to school on time and everyday. Please try to make all appointments for after school.
Here are a few tips to help support excellent school attendance: 

                                      What Parents Can Do to Support Attendance

  • Help your child get into the habit and learn the value of regular routines.
  • Teach your child that attending school is nonnegotiable unless they are truly sick.
  • Build relationships with other families and discuss how you can help each other out (e.g., drop off or pick up children, babysit, translation assistance) in times of need or emergencies.
  • Identify what motivate your child’s interest in school.
  • Connect with the school if you are struggling with attendance. we are here to help you.


    8:30 – 9:23

    9:25 -10:18

    10:20– 11:13

    11:15 – 12:08

    12:10 – 1:03

    1:05 – 1:58

    2:00 – 2:50


General Student Supply List

  • This is a classroom based list to be delivered to the advisor

    Chlorox Wipes Optional
    Ream of Copy Paper Colored Pencils
    2 Marble Notebooks Loose leaf paper
    A pair of Scissor Graph Paper
    Box of Tissues Post-Its
    Box of Markers
    Personal Supplies
    Pens and Pencils
    Graph Paper
    Pocket Folders (5)
    1 2” Binder
    Two Combination Locks (one for gym locker and one for hall locker)

  • At UAI, our mission is to support and educate the whole child. This means that every activity we incorporate into the school day is designed to support  both  the academic and the  social emotional development of our students and staff. Beyond our challenging and rigorous curriculum, all 6th and 9th grade students receive social emotional learning classes.  In addition, the school provides opportunities throughout the day to ensure that all of our students are able to learn how to better manage themselves, their relationships and their responsibilities  - the three pillars of becoming an excellent student and a productive citizen.

    What is Social Emotional Learning?  Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. Click Here if you would like to learn more about SEL

    In September at UAI we focus on building positive relationships and learning how to

    collaborate in the classroom.  Students will get to know one another and will practice skills like giving all team members the opportunity to speak, disagreeing respectfully, and being open-minded to others' opinions. These skills will form the foundation of student's ability to collaborate with their classmates in core classes at UAI and to succeed in college and careers later in life. 

    Want some great tips on how to start building better relationships with your children at home?
    Click HERE

Meet UAI Support Staff -
In addition to your daughter's amazing teachers, who you will have the opportunity to meet during Curriculum Night on September 26th, UAI also has an extensive support staff available to help you and your child navigate school. We are always available to assist you and encourage you to call or email if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions!

UAI's College Office, led by the amazing team of Ms. Danielle and Ms, Doris, work  tirelessly to provide our students and families with the best, most up-to-date information on the college application process, financial aid, scholarships and academic opportunities. While the intensive college work begins with our Junior and Senior classes, at UAI we want all of our students to have exposure to post secondary options. This means that starting in 6th grade, all of our students visit colleges, discuss the importance of academic rigor and explore career interests and personal strengths. 

September officially kicks off the Seniors college application process. Students will be busy researching schools, programs, scholarships, and other postsecondary programs, as well as visiting schools, meeting with college admissions representatives, attending interviews, drafting their personal statements, and figuring out how to determine what a best-fit program is for them.  

September Important Dates:
9/24: UAI's Champlain College admissions representative, is coming to visit our Juniors and Seniors, and will conduct informal interviews with seniors who are interested in learning more about Champlain. UAI has had a successful partnership with Champlain College for several years and we look forward to continuing to work with them and send more wonderful young women to their school. 

9/26: UAI's CUNYY representative is coming to present to the entire senior class.

Continuing our partnership with NYU Tandon School of Engineering, our next cohort of Juniors will begin their Introduction to Engineering course where they will be challenged to learn how to code and work in teams to build a robot. 

Looking Ahead to October:

SUNY College Fair, 10/10 From 1pm-7pm, 10/11 from 9am-2:30pm @ The Javits Center.  All families are welcome to attend

10/14: NACAC STEM College & Career Fair, 1pm-4pm, @ The Javits Center. All families are welcome to attend

10/21: Big Apple College Fair, 1pm-4pm @ The Javits Center. All families are welcome to attend. 

10/22 Suny Plattsburgh Rep Visit 10am-10:30am @UAI

10/25: Barnard College Rep Visit 1pm - 2:30 @ UAI

The week of October 21st is the DOE's College Application week and UAI will participate by having our Seniors submit their CUNY applications, as well as conduct several postsecondary activities for all of our girls to engage in. 

Click here for the school calendar:  NYC DOE SCHOOL CALENDAR

  1. Sept. 10-11-No School- Rosh Hashanah
  2. Thurs.  Sept 13th PTA Meeting
  3. Wed. 19th - No School- Yom Kippur
  4. Wed. 26th - Curriculum Night
7Th GRADE PARENTS - Please note the following dates for high school fairs - As a reminder, high school applications will be due in a few short months. The guidance department will be reaching out to support you in the process:

September 22 and 23

John Dewey High School 
50 Avenue X 
Brooklyn, NY 11223 

October 13 and 14 10a-3p
Brooklyn Technical High School  
29 Fort Greene Place 
Brooklyn, NY 11217 

September 22 and 23 & October 13 and 14 10a-3p
Martin Luther King, Jr. Educational Campus 
122 Amsterdam Avenue 
New York, NY 10023 

Closing out with some fun pictures from our Night of Stars new student event that was held in June  - Welcome everyone!

Making New Friends